Does Animal Biomechanical Medicine work?

image 41 300x200 - Does Animal Biomechanical Medicine work?Yes – clinical results definitely occur.

Every practitioner has records of many successful treatments. However – this is not formal evidence base, and we need published studies on specific types of case to support our findings in practice. This is something association members are working on – watch this space.

It is time consuming & sometimes challenging to obtain the follow up results and collate the data, particularly in a busy clinical practice. In future we are hoping to collaborate with teaching institutions to make clinical data available for students to collate and analyse.

Some of Dr Kate Haines treatment results:

BUCKING HORSES – 2010-2012

These are complex cases with many factors potentially affecting this behaviour. These were responses to 1,2 or 3 treatments only. The response to physical treatment suggests that physical discomfort may be involved in some of these cases. Further studies are required.

Total cases17
No follow up5
Total reports12
Minor improvement18.3%
No change18.3%


64 cases assessed, 162 treatments total.

Reasons for presentation: Hollow/sore back, one lead weak/painful, lame hind leg, short stepping, lame fore leg, bucking/pigrooting, stiff one side, one gait weak/painful, gait asymmetry, girth pain, sour behaviour, bolting, head shaking, knuckling/dragging hind feet, locking patellas, trauma (pelvis, neck, spine, stifles), stumbling, recheck, tune up for competition.

Responses of clinical signs to treatments, as reported by owners

ExcGoodModMinSameWorseNo follow up

In total 59.3% reported moderate-excellent improvement.

If remove the treatments with no follow up – 82.8% reported moderate-excellent improvement.

Cases responding with < 2 treatments – Bucking, hollow/sore back, lameness (FL & HL), short behind, trauma cases, weak/pain one lead or gait.

Does My Pet Need Animal Biomechanical Assessment?

  • Does your pet look stiff at all?
  • Does your pet have trouble getting up or lying down?
  • Does your pet tire more quickly than it used to?
  • Does your pet play less than it used to?
  • Does your pet yelp or whimper sometimes?
  • Has your pet stopped grooming some areas of its body?
  • Does your pet put off going to the toilet for as long as possible?
  • Has your pet stopped stretching front and back when it gets up?
  • Does your pet avoid you grooming some parts of its body?
  • Does your pet have trouble getting comfortable to rest?
  • Has your pet become bad tempered or aggressive?
  • Does your pet have trouble sitting “square”?
  • Does your pet tend to sit with legs to one side?
  • Does your pet limp?
  • Does your pet have a skin problem in a confined area of its body?
  • Does your pet lick or chew at an area of its body?
  • Has your pet’s posture changed?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, it would be worth having your pet checked over.